
Friday, 21 November 2014

Jane's Tiny Dragon Writing

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As I stretched out on the warm grass, I felt a tickle on my fingertips. The dragon skin was rough and spiky. The dragon was steaming hot. When I stretched my warm arms, I saw children saying hello. The dragon was on the grass, wanting to stand and walk. When I got up, The dragon followed the smell that was coming from the kitchen. The dragon found something on the floor. He picked up that piece and ate it from the floor. When the dragon saw the piece from the floor he looked like he never eaten  before by the way he was eating. The dragon went outside and saw children playing and playing.  He went outside because the back door was wide open. I was wondering where the dragon was and he was in his cage sleeping.It was night time and the dragon was still sleeping in his cage. When the dragon was sleeping, he looked like he was really chilled and relaxed.



Bianca said...

I really like your writing Jane.

Tai said...

Awesome use of describing words Jane. I wish I had a pet dragon.

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