
Tuesday, 16 April 2013

my Andy warhol photo

Reflecting on my Andy Warhol themed portrait

1. Are you pleased with your Andy Warhol themed portrait? why / why not?

Yes I am pleased with my Andy Warhol portrait because I didn’t rush it.

2. What did you find easy when you created your portrait?
It was tracing my face with an art pencil.

3. What part did you find tricky when you were creating your portrait? -think about tracing round your face, outlining your face using a black marker pen, dabbing areas using the dye, dying the background.
It was outlining my face with a black vivid.

4. Who / What helped you when you were creating your portrait?
No one helped me with my Andy Warhol portrait.

5. What would you do differently next time? Think about: tracing around your face, features on your face, dabbing the dye colours, colour choice, photograph, time management skills.
Next time I will make a different colour choice.

6. What frustrated you when you created your Andy Warhol themed art work?
Nothing frustrated me.    

Monday, 15 April 2013

my basic facts

this my basic facts on study ladder.

my math restles

This my math restles from extra math  
thank you                                                                              

my extra math restles..

This my math restles from extra math .

my restles

                                            This my math restles from extra math and I am racing the teacher    

my math restles

                                        This my math restles from extra math thank you .


my math restles

This my math restles from extra math.

my story about the Red Poppy

This is my Red poppy story.

This story is very interesting because this poppy was sending a Red Poppy to Jim so him can hold it on to it.Jim was fighting with German people. In the German people one of the people named was Karl.Karl got hurt and  Jim helped him to feel better and give him a Red Poppy and Karl said " thank you".     

this is my story about the Red Poppy.THANK YOU.

Thursday, 11 April 2013

my math

this my math extra math and i got five wrong and 23 right.

my math restles

This my math restles from extra math.I have been not good at math or time table.

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

My andy warhol photo

Reflecting on my Andy Warhol themed portrait

1. Are you pleased with your Andy Warhol themed portrait? why / why not?
Yes I am pleased with my andy warhol photo because i didn’t rush it .

2. What did you find easy when you created your portrait?
it was the dye  and tracing around my face

3. What part did you find tricky when you were creating your portrait? -think about tracing round your face, outlining your face using a black marker pen, dabbing areas using the dye, dying the background.
the tricky part was using the black pen and outlining my face.

4. Who / What helped you when you were creating your portrait?

no one helped me with my andy warhol photo.   

5. What would you do differently next time? Think about: tracing around your face, features on your face, dabbing the dye colours, colour choice, photograph, time management skills.
I would do next time is dabbing my dye colours.

6. What frustrated you when you created your Andy Warhol themed art work?
its was outinling my face with a black pen

my basic facts

This my basic fats and i know all my basic facts on stady ladder.

my math

this my own good my math

my basic facts

This my basic facts .

my math resutls math

This my math results from extra math

my math resutls

this my results from extra math

my results

this my results from extra math

my photo from miss paton

This my Andy Warhol photo from today

Thursday, 4 April 2013

extra math

This my math from extra math .

my math


This my math from extra math and be better next time