This is my spelling results for grande 7. I got 79% for my spelling. I think I need to practice on my spelling so when I am year 8, I'm good at spelling
I am a student at Tamaki College. This blog is a record of my learning from Panmure Bridge School through to Tamaki College.
Wednesday, 25 November 2015
Tuesday, 24 November 2015
My Family Biggest Ritual
This is my family ritual. In this presentation it's got my family traditions. It has lots of tradition that we have today. Celebrate things that Samoan way.
Friday, 16 October 2015
My Personal Passion
CARE awards,
Personal Passion
Thursday, 15 October 2015
Public Heath Nurse
Here are some facts about public health nurse. Public health nurse are at school, in the community and other places.
CARE awards
Pay it forward
This is my DLO about paying it forward to my mum from putting the dishes away.
CARE awards
Thank you letter for Mrs millward
CARE awards
Earthquake drill 09sRaALajxFY?utm_source= linkshare&utm_medium= linkshare&utm_campaign= usercontent
This is my animation about the Earthquake Drill
This is my animation about the Earthquake Drill
Monday, 12 October 2015
Smart money.
This is my popplet about smart money. This is about people sending money to the people there don't know. There is lot scammers wanting money because there are homeless or want to be rich. Some people don't know whne scammers are coming or at your house.
Personal Goal Setting
This is my DLO about my own goal setting. I want to do this because i want to get better at the thing that I have done. I want to do this before it is the end of the year.
Wednesday, 16 September 2015
This my cybersmart learning that I did about what is cybersmart? In this DLO you can what I learnt what cybersmart is about. I hope you can learn from this and DON'T DO THESE KIND OF THINGS.
Monday, 14 September 2015
Flipping E-book
This is my Flipping e-book that I have made today with Mrs Paton. Today I have been learning to put a Google Presentation on a Flip Snack. The presentation that I put in was my goal settings in term 3. In the presentation, It has all the thing that I want to achieve. It was the my first time doing and putting the presentation on the Flip Snack
Monday, 31 August 2015
Vending machine problem
This is my problem solving. I used multiplication for my faction knowledge. This is another problem I came up with. Marla had 4/3 of lollies and Justin had 5/2 of lollies. Can you solve this using your knowledge.
Friday, 28 August 2015
Wednesday, 19 August 2015
For the pass few week, my class have been going to our kiwi sport called Hockey. At hockey we all have teaching new skills. At hockey we also fun games. To me it has been hard because turning and twisting just for the ball. The ball was like touching a rock. But it has been very fun going to hockey. Today it was the last day to play hockey. Our couch was named Lydia.
Friday, 14 August 2015
Currents Events Thinking Hats_Jane
This is my Currents Events that is in the reading topic. In this presentation, I read about a girl from the united states having her allergies of water. If you are wondering how does she takes a shower, well they have 10 sec shower everyday. I know it is really hard but sometimes everybody have different kinds of allergies.
Wednesday, 15 July 2015
Friday Comments
This is my Friday comments. I have comment on these school blog. The three school blogs that I comment on Rm 6 of PBS, Sophie from Stonesfieds and Yvette of PBS.
Friday comments.
Friday, 3 July 2015
Movie Maori Pioneer Battalion By Jane
This my movie that my group made. This topic was about ANZAC. We all had different grps to make this movie in the same topic. In our grp, our topic was The Maori Pioneer Battalion. We all had different parts of the movie. It was really fun to make this movie come alive even though it was quick and difficult. I hope you guys enjoy and know about the Maori Pioneer Battalion.
Thursday, 2 July 2015
Persuasive Text DLO
This is my DLO of Persuasive Text. We have diferent choices to collect all of the information. In the poster it has all of persuasive text that I kind of know of. This task was made by Mrs Anderson.
Propaganda Presentation
This is my Propaganda presentation. This presentation contain what I have learnt of Propaganda. In this presentation it has a Google drawing of my own poster and my own solang and other things
Inferencing Alexander
This is me and my partner work. This poster is about inference. In this poster, my partner has been working on alexander.
Monday, 8 June 2015
The new work i learnt to spell was thumbtack. I also know what thumbtack means design to be thrust into a broad. This is my example of using thumbtack Eg: i used thumbtack on the board
Spelling test
Monday, 1 June 2015
Video about camp
This is my video that i have made about camp. I have made to video because it was part of activity that was about camp. I think camp was awesome even though it was kind of hard. I wish one day we could go back to camp. My favourite part of camp was getting to writing in our camp book.
Camp 2015
Poster about Kauri Dieback
This is my DLO on Kauri Dieback. We have learnt this throughout our day at camp. One fact I learnt is that Kauri are starting to die from a disease. I hope you learn something new from this.
kauri dieback
Monday, 25 May 2015
Spelling Test
This is my spelling test that I have done. Today I learnt the meaning of the word was accurate. The word means that your free. Today I learnt how to spell character. Before I wrote it charater.
By jane,
room 6,
Spelling test
Sunday, 24 May 2015
This is presentation i have made about ANZAC. In my class, we had to do a project about ANZAC. This activity was really interesting about what ANZAC was like, what day did we start celebrating and lots of things. We had the choice what we could do to get all the information in one piece. There was many choices. I pick a Google Presentation because it was a lot easier to do.
NZSLW (New Zealand Sign Language Week)
Friday, 22 May 2015
Camp Collage - Jane
This is my college of camp. Today was the time to look at the photos that Mrs Anderson And Ms Kirpatirick. I have been having fun to make because i was looking at photo of me
Camp 2015
Blog Comments
These are my three blog post that I gave from one in my classroom, one from another classroom that in our school, and one from a Manaiaklani student. These comments are really different of what I have to say their work. They have really put a lot of effort into their work so I gave an each comment of how much they put into it.
Blog Comments,
By jane
Thursday, 21 May 2015
Make 100
This is my poster. This activity was part of math. I have made this poster because this poster about making 100. In this poster i have figure out the answer to 100. I struggle for a little bit until I figure something out. I did not know that those number could add up to 100. I find about this math activity really hard and interesting to do. I hope I do this activity again my class.
Wednesday, 15 April 2015
Holiday Reading - Retelling the endings
Ahhhhhh! reading this made me go to sleep (not). Someone came inside the house and it was my favorite nephew Benjamin. Benjamin came inside and he said " Hi uncle." He came in and told me all bout his adventure at school. I said to him " Why don't you tell them that there is a other book and read my adventure". So Benjamin did.
The book is called Mice to the rescue. The author is Geronimo Stilton. The type of book is fiction. I chose this ending of this book because i think is the some as the ending the book .
Hoilday reading Challenge
Holiday Reading - Retelling The Ending
"Bang Bang" Peeta and Katniss seening picture of one person died. "Now the finales, Peeta Mellkark and Katniss Everdeen." "Katniss and Peeta, We have to have one winner of the hunger games." So they talk about who's going to win but Peeta always want to be killed but Katniss would let that happend. So the next message come up. "Since they wouldn't kill each other, they are our two winners of The Hunger Games.
The book is called The Hunger Games.The person that made the book is called Suzanne Collins. This type of book is fiction. The reason I chose this ending because the one i read on the book was boring.
Hoilday reading Challenge
Holiday Reading - SideKick
If i was Peeta sidekick, I would let Peeta keep trying practicing his skills of protecting katniss and him self. If he got hurt, I will put medicine on his sore. I will be there on his side when he will fight.
The title of this book is called The hunger games. This type of book is fiction. The author of the is Suzanne Collins. I had to do a retell of what would the sidekick
The title of this book is called The hunger games. This type of book is fiction. The author of the is Suzanne Collins. I had to do a retell of what would the sidekick
Hoilday reading Challenge
Holiday Reading - Character Portit
When she was 16, Katniss volunteered to take her sister, Primrose Everdeen's place in the 74th Hunger Games after Prim's name was called during the reaping. Originally, she had no intention of going into the games, hoping it would not be herself before the female tribute was chosen. It had not even crossed her mind, but, when her sister was picked, she volunteered to save her, in hopes that she could actually win. The male tribute was from the town bakery, Peeta Mellark, who had once saved Katniss and her family from starvation by charring some bread and giving it to Katniss
Peeta Mellark, a baker's son from District 12, is one of the main characters of the The Hunger Games trilogy. He is a very compassionate person and is good with words. He has been in love with Katniss Everdeen since the age of 5, but never confessed his feelings until he was reaped alongside her for the 74th Hunger Games.
Gale Hawthorne is Katniss Everdeen's best friend and hunting partner, one of the series' main characters. He is fiercely devoted to his family and to Katniss and is a true rebel and visionary at heart. He is in love with Katniss and is forced to watch as she volunteers for the74th Hunger Games in the place of her sister and fakes a romance with Peeta Mellark in order to stay alive. After the Games, he becomes a threat to the Capitol through his semi-romantic relationship with Katniss, and is used to gain leverage over her. He escapes The Bombing of District 12, and manages to save approximately 800 others. In District 13, he becomes a soldier for therebellion and fights on Katniss side for the remainder of the war.
This book is called The Hunger Games. The author is Suzanne Collins. The type of book is a fiction book. These characters of The Hunger Game are my favorite but also the main characters.
This book is called The Hunger Games. The author is Suzanne Collins. The type of book is a fiction book. These characters of The Hunger Game are my favorite but also the main characters.
Hoilday reading Challenge
Holiday Reading - Food Glorious Food
- 1 two lb acorn squash
- sprigs fresh thyme
- olive oil
- salt to taste
- 2 cups chicken or vegetable stock
- 1/3 cup heavy cream
- 1 tbsp honey
- poppy seeds
- slivered almonds
- Heat oven to 350 degrees. Cut squash into quarters and scrape off insides and seeds. Place them on a foil lined baking sheet and drizzle with olive oil. Season with thyme and salt. Bake for 1 hour.
- Let squash cool, then scrape the flesh out into a blender or food processor, discarding any large thyme sprigs. Add chicken or vegetable stock and puree until smooth.
- Run puree through a sieve and add to a pot. Add heavy cream and heat on high to a boil. Lower heat and simmer for five minutes, then stir in honey.
- When serving, lightly sprinkle poppy seeds onto the middle of the soup. Drop a little bit of slivered almonds into the middle.
The book is called Hunger Games. The author is Suzanne Collins. This type of book is fiction. The why i chose this recipe because the character Katniss ate this in the capitol.
Hoilday reading Challenge
Holiday Reading - Soundtrack
Still love the way he talk, still love the way I sing
Still love the way he rock them black diamonds in that chain
Still all up on each other, ain't a damn thing change
My girls can't tell me nothing, I'm gone in the brain
I'm all up under him like it's cold, winter time
All up in the kitchen in my heels, dinner time
Still love the way he rock them black diamonds in that chain
Still all up on each other, ain't a damn thing change
My girls can't tell me nothing, I'm gone in the brain
I'm all up under him like it's cold, winter time
All up in the kitchen in my heels, dinner time
The book is called Hunger Games. The author is Suzanne Collins. This type of book is a fiction book. The why i chose this music because Katniss and Peeta was helpping each other soon they were making love in a cave.
Hoilday reading Challenge
Holiday Reading - Casting Chose
I would like to choose these actors as these characters:
Swift Paws - Tom Cruse
Tess Techno paws - Jessica Biel
Geronimo Superstilton - James Bond
Lady Wonderwhiskers - Jennifer Lawrence
Tony Sludge - Sly Stallone
Teresa Sludge - Katy Perry
Elena Sludge - Beyonce
Slickfur - Josh Hutchersonm
One, Two, and three - Liam Hemsworth, Alexsander Lugwig, Lan Nelson
This book is called Mice to the rescue. The author is Geronimo Stilton. The type of book is Fiction. I choose these actors because theose actor tough and keen to fight. Some actor are from Hunger Games, some actor are Musician.
Hoilday reading Challenge
Hoilday Reading - Recommdation
I would recommend this book to Paige. I recommend this book to her because she always into reading this book, she always think is interesting, and this book is a new collection of Geronimo Stilton Series.
The title of the book is Mice To The Rescue! The author of the book is Geronimo Stilton. The type of book is Fiction. I would recommend this to Paige because it a made up story, very interesting book, she would like to found out why.
Hoilday reading Challenge
Hoilday Reading - Retell
Geronimo Stilton was so tired, he couldn't get up on his own feet. One day, a special friend rang his cellphone telling him to come to Muskrat City.
The title of the is: Mice to the Rescue!
The author of this is: Geronimo Stilton
The type of book: This book is fiction book
My activity is this book to retell this book in 25 words or less. I found this book easy and hard to read.
Hoilday reading Challenge
Thursday, 2 April 2015
ICC Cricket World Cup Presentation
This is my ICC Cricket World cup presentation.... I have been known this presentation in a week. I hope you like it
Koko Alasia
Koko Alaisa
3 cup of rice
6 cup of water
1 block of water
sugar to taste
lemon leaf
Two large pot
One Bowl
A fork
Step 1~
Add 3 cups of rice to the large pot
Step 2~
Cover with 6 cup water
Step 3~
Put pot on stove. Set heat to medium . Cover with lids
Step 4~
Prepare Coconut cream. You can buy it from the shops or get the coconut the open it and pell it.
Step 5~
Mix half a block of Koko Samoa with boiled water. Use fork to crush koko to get good consistency.
Add koko Samoa mix to pot. Stir before closing.
Note: Leave pot to boil then turn to medium
Step 7~
add sugar to taste
Step 8~
Add coconut cream
Note: Add lemon leaf and pot to simmer
Step 9~
you are ready to serve your Samoan Koko Alasia.
Step 10~
You can add milk to be warm but you not have to do it.
Home Work
My Recount BY Jane
2 months later. . . After 2 months i started working at Starline School. Once I got their, all the children were happy to see me. I got in the classroom and all the children were playing in the class and throwing rulers around and children crying, I thought “maybe this isn't what it is said to the principal, maybe I’ve got something just to prove that my classroom is polite and nice.”
Monday, 30 March 2015
This is my Grade Spelling. My grade spelling is almost good if I practice more and remember how to spell. At the top I have 88% for spelling on this website. If you wanna try here is the link:GRADE SPELLING
Jane Inquiy room 6
Friday, 27 March 2015
Collage highlight in term 1
This is my collage that i made about term 1 in Panmure Bridge School. This collage is about my highlight of this term.
Term 1 R6 2015
I enjoy going going to the waka and meeting Shavaughn Ruakere.
I learnt in term 1 that how to put onomatopoeia in my writing. Onomatopoeia means if you are doing writing at the start of the task, you put a sound word in the start writing. I found tricky in this year was doing the test on laptops. In this term my favourite subject was doing maths and doing reading. I improve in this term was improving. In this term i enjoy at tech was doing scratch and doing mind mups
I learnt in term 1 that how to put onomatopoeia in my writing. Onomatopoeia means if you are doing writing at the start of the task, you put a sound word in the start writing. I found tricky in this year was doing the test on laptops. In this term my favourite subject was doing maths and doing reading. I improve in this term was improving. In this term i enjoy at tech was doing scratch and doing mind mups
Spelling test
This my Spelling test that i did on a website. I have been practicing many words on this website. On this website i have learnt many different words like: Missiles, Grades, and loads of words. As you can see, at the top were it says grade, I have 76% words that are right and i think couple wrong. Here is a link to the website:The typing test
Wednesday, 25 March 2015
Maniakalani Day in Pt England
Today was a special day for all Maniakalani schools. All the schools was there. We went to greet the Waka coming all the way from Hawaii. We stared out with Maori song. Then there was a speech from one of the travelers.
There speech was awesome. They talked about how did there come here, what technologes there used and what is Maniakalani is about.
Wednesday, 18 March 2015
Laughing Samoans
This is my famous people in our culture. I and my partner have been searching on websites for Laughing Samoans. Laughing Samoans made people laugh. There are on tour on. They have been going around New Zealand. There have been in Auckland, Kerikeri and Wellington.
Tuesday, 17 March 2015
Spelling Bee
A new word i learnt was risk. The most difficult word to remember how to spell was magnifiect. Joushua received his netbook book. I used recevied in my sentene to show I know the meaning
Monday, 16 March 2015
Cultureul Idenitity
This map shows the countries where we are from in Room 6.
Not every one of the countries were born in New Zealand. We used Google map to get these information. I used ploit in the countries. I learnt how to insert images and videos onto the map
Friday, 13 March 2015
My Region By Jane
This is my region of Samoa. I have made of Leauvaa Samoa because I am the region.
Thursday, 12 March 2015
Jane-My art

This is my art I did with room 6 it was really fun, we had to draw things that our family likes, after that we colored it in then put it onto the wall, that was one of the coolest art I did with room 6.
Monday, 9 March 2015
What is your favorite food?
I surveyed 5 people that was In my group.
In this graph we had five people chosening a option that i did.
Two students chosen Butter Chicken Rice
One student chosen Roast Chicken.
Monday, 2 March 2015
Ethicitiecs In room 6
Friday, 27 February 2015
Animated Name by Jane
This is my animated name that I made with sratch. I made this in Tamaki College. I have to make this to show on to my blog.
Thursday, 26 February 2015
Comparison Languages By Jane
This is my poster that I made from a Google drawing. I made this in Room 5 today. This poster is about how many students speak in their own language at home. those graphs are made Google sheets.
Tuesday, 24 February 2015
Time Connectives
Time Connectives
Mengchun and her brother loved to play in the long grass in a forest. They would wriggle around and hide in the grass. A mower came to mow the grass. It cut all of the grass. The grass was short with nowhere to hide. They threw the grass in the air and run under it. When they got home, they got a growling from their mum. They needed to have a shower and wash their hair and body.
Monday, 16 February 2015
Cricket World Cup
This is my cricket world cup chart. As you know that New Zealand won. New Zealand won by 98 runs. The point of New Zealand was 331 and Sri lankas points was 233
maths jane 2015 room 6
Friday, 13 February 2015
Learning how to use Sratch By Jane
Today I logged into Scratch. I learned how to create my own movie. I have been play with the stuff and putting on my movie.
tamaki college
Wednesday, 11 February 2015
Plagiarism And Referencing Meaning
Dictionary meaning of Plagiarism is not copying someone elses work and say it's theirs.
Plagiarism means to me is not coping no one work.
Dictionary meaning of referencing is the action of mentioning the website the you got the meaning from.
Referencing means to me is putting the website on the google Docs.
Tuesday, 10 February 2015
Y chart poster
This is my attitude poster that I made with my partner with Jessie. I made this poster because this is the task that Mrs Millward
Monday, 9 February 2015
All about me poster
Today Miss Paton taught how to Google Drawing. This poster is about me
Thursday, 5 February 2015
Tuesday, 3 February 2015
PBS care ychart
This is my poster that I made. This is about the PBS care Y chart. This poster is about confidence
confidence poster Jane 2015
Monday, 2 February 2015
Room 6 2015
Room 6 2015
This year is going to be exciting for me. I am in a room full with year 7&8 student. I am working on digital device for school. I hope that this year I will not make any mistakes. I am looking forward to make it in camp this year. This year, my goal is to join all the sport including cross country. My main goal is to help others even though they don't want any help. I feel like I am changed for this year. I hope i will not get in any
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